
Lifestyle & Parenting Blog

The Single Parent Experience | School Concerts

Kai’s been participating in the school choir for two years now. Writing this, brings back memories of the excitement he felt when he was invited to join the choir in Gr. 1.

Last night, at the school’s annual candlelight concert, watching him stand tall, with confidence and pride, was a joyful moment filled with serenity. His eyes on the conductor, focused and ready to belt out some highs and lows!

It is at events like these, where I feel my single parenthood most. Arriving alone with my son. Walking in to take my seat at a table for nine. Me, the lone ranger, the odd one out.

At these events there’s no proud discussions filled with excitement. No. For me, all there is, is silence and a myriad of thoughts as I look around at the moms, dads, siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles and friends, gathered together around a table for nine.

Between my parents and I, we always plan for one of us to attend a school event when it takes place over two to three days. If my parents aren’t available then I attend all events.

Tonight my parents will attend the second evening of the candlelight concert. They will seat themselves at a table for nine. They won’t be the odd ones out. They will be a couple of grandparents, enjoying their grandson’s concert. They will sit there and nudge each other when my son walks onto the stage. My mom will whisper something into my dad’s ear. He will nod and smile…

Yes, these events highlights single parenthood, BUT it also highlights great achievement!

I can sit at a table of nine, filled with pride, for my dearest boy. I may not have those “intimate” chats while he walks on stage…  What I do have, is a gorgeous boy who seeks me out in the crowd while he steps onto that stage. First he smiles, then he waves and then he winks, I do the same.  And in that moment, we are, the perfect family.

Here’s a clip. Spot my littlest person, the fourth child in the second row.


7 comments on “The Single Parent Experience | School Concerts

  1. coffeeatclaires
    June 18, 2015

    I think that you are incredible! And that you do a kind of “parenting” that requires so much more than a two-parent home could do. You are mom and dad, and you are fantastic! Please do not ever let any snobby mommy rob you of your self-confidence and your ability to feel welcomed in a school environment. They do not have a clue what goes on in your life, and their little happy marriage is probably a pretend game anyway. The ones that are truly happily married are the kinder ones who will recognise your achievements. It is the unhappy parents that are bitter and judgemental. I am 100% amazed by all single moms and think you deserve all the love and admiration in the world!


    • ChevsLife
      June 18, 2015

      Thanks Claire. Fortunately we are surrounded by wonderful and diverse parents/families in our area. My table of 9 was a lovely crowd. But when you are surrounded by families chatting whilst you sit, on your own, as a single parent, you can’t help but feel a bit left out.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Chantel
    June 18, 2015

    You are the strongest woman i know! You are more than a parent, you are a hero. A hero to kai and a hero to me. Times can be tough but you dont let it get you down. You just rock right through it.


    • ChevsLife
      June 18, 2015

      My JoziDiva, I don’t know about being a hero, but you are my rock! Thank you for always being there. Xoxo


  3. Heather
    June 21, 2015

    Precious post. Your boy is lucky to have you and your parents. Even though I am married my husband isn’t social, he won’t go to church. Sometimes it makes me feel like a single parent, but of course it’s not.


    • ChevsLife
      June 22, 2015

      Thanks Heather. Yes, it can be quite awkward being the only parent to always attend social events.


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